Buildings, public and private, are an integral part of the fabric of a community. While all of the construction activities from the first shovel full of dirt to the handing over of keys, are important, it is equally important and satisfying to keep community members apprised of what is, and what will be happening in their neighborhood.
To that end we will attend community meetings to answer questions and provide progress updates. Many of our projects have live webcams that are accessible to the public so that they may follow the progress of the project in real time.
We know that it is a priority for each and every community to involve its citizens in the performance of the work and we endeavor to do so through community outreach.
C.T. Taylor is proud of its record in involving disadvantaged and minority businesses. Our employees have been regular participants in the Akron Urban League’s annual diversity conference. This event has consisted of panel discussions and meeting one on one with firms. We have mentored a number of embryonic firms so that they could obtain the State of Ohio’s EDGE certifications and are proud to see that they are growing and prospering.
C.T. Taylor has been active with community involvement from hosting a preschool visit to our offices to see and touch construction equipment, to supporting fundraising options of banners, golf outings, and opportunities to take part in “Swing a Sledgehammer” to start the demolition process.